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Interview with Anna Bernasconi (TETYS Project) – NGI Search beneficiary

NGI Interview - TETYS Project


👋 Have you ever felt overwhelmed when analysing topic trends?
🤩 Do you think that data still hides information waiting to be explored?

If your answer is yes, you can take advantage of this new interview, where you’ll discover how TETYS, a beneficiary of NGI Search, turns the abstract into concrete.

Are you curious to learn more about them and how they can help you visually, quickly, and clearly analyse topic trends?

So, this interview is a must-read whether you are a data enthusiast or simply interested in cutting-edge projects to help you make better decisions based on data.

✨ Welcome to the TETYS world!✨

Can you introduce yourself and your company, and explain what makes you different?

🤔Have you ever wondered what topics are trending in academic research? Or which climate-change topics were irrelevant twenty years ago and are now being massively investigated? Or searched for evidence that COVID-19 researchers were concerned about variants even before the birth and rise of Omicron?

✨TETYS (Topics Evolution That You See) wants to help everybody explore topic trends in text documents on the Web. Indeed, big document corpora are often complex and time-consuming to parse, so we relieve this burden from Web users and build understandable and interactive topic-related visualisations for them.-✨

👩‍🦰🎓 I am Anna, and together with Francesco and Stefano, we came up with the TETYS idea at Politecnico di Milano, working at the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering.

We are part of the Data Science and Bioinformatics Lab and are passionate about big data-related problems. I am a Research Fellow working on knowledge management, but I also love communication and product design.

🧑‍ 🎓 Francesco is a PhD student with a hands-on attitude to research problems, a full-stack developer, and a passion for learning new technologies.
🧑‍ 🎓 Stefano is a Full Professor with solid expertise in Databases, Web Engineering, and search computing – both in academia and the start-up industry.

What services or products do you offer?

We have built prototypes of TETYS informing users on topics related to academic research on COVID-19 and climate change. TETYS is a two-step service that, once a text dataset has been selected:

✅Builds a data ingestion and topic extraction workflow
✅ Automatically generates a dashboard to explore and compare topic trends interactively.

What milestones have you achieved so far since your project launch?

After building the prototypes of TETYS, we are working towards other exciting domains (such as machine learning applications and Sustainable Development Goals) and improving the statistical testing features. We also conduct user studies to test how our platform complies with Web users’ expectations.

What have you achieved with your idea thanks to the NGI Search project?

Thanks to the NGI Search project support, we are generalising every step of TETYS to make it virtually applicable to any text and domain. NGI Search is supporting us with the scouting of appropriate datasets, the design of pilots, and the dissemination strategy.

What are your goals for the middle/long-time future?

We want to continue growing our system and build a more user-friendly dashboard, encouraging a community of users to grow worldwide. We aim to give users access to technical and general texts (scientific papers, e-commerce reviews, events feedback tweets, public engagement threads, etc) to grasp temporal trends quickly.

We are betting on our prototype analysing climate change-related documents, allowing us to study the interest in the topic’s evolution.

We hope this can stimulate public debate and awareness of environmental changes.

Do you have any advice for those who are looking for public funding?

Participate in all the social occasions provided to share your project progress and ideas on the following steps to be made. You will be amazed by how much important feedback and support you receive for your project.

Do not be shy or afraid of sharing too much information. Open source software is the way to go to build usable and functional systems, which significant communities appreciate🚀

Are you curious about the TETYS team? Feel free to reach out to them:
Anna Bernasconi
Francesco Invernici
Stefano Ceri

NGI Search

Publication Date
