ONTOCHAIN Summit and Hackathons

Online event

The awaited second edition of the ONTOCHAIN Summit for a Trustworthy Internet is set to take place on 22 June 2023, providing an...

High-Level Expert Webinar: Digital Commons and Digital Sovereignty

Online event

Digital Commons are among the core assets to pursue Europe's Digital Sovereignty. Several initiatives and calls for actions are gaining traction, striving to bring real benefits to individuals and organisations by ensuring open, inclusive and decentralised access to digital resources in line with the core principles and action of the Next Generation Internet (NGI) Initiative.

NGI Search Second Webinar

Online event

Let's build together the Next Generation of Internet Search and Discovery tools!
Check how, when and where to apply in order to receive up to €150,000 along with business and technical support during 12 months.

Web2 vs Web3 – Towards the Next Generation Internet

Online event

The internet has been the greatest disruption of our times. In the past 50 years, it has become the essential infrastructure supporting our digital lives, revolutionising businesses, public and private spheres and connecting its users to both digital and physical worlds.

NGI Atlantic.eu webinar

Online event

Webinar - Fifth opportunity to apply to the NGIatlantic.eu Open Calls When: 2 March 2022, 4:30pm CET How: Zoom platform NGIatlantic.eu funds...


Final NGI Explorers’ Award Cerimony

Online event

NGI Explorers final event - celebrate the recognition of remarkable EU-US collaborations granted in the NGI Explorers The NGI Explorer...


eSSIF-Lab webinar

Online event

WEBINAR: Find out all about the final eSSIF-Lab "Completing the Framework" Open Call Join eSSIF-Lab's live webinar and find out...


NGI LEDGER demo day

Online event

BLOCKCHAIN VENTURE DAY Get up to speed with the possibilities offered by blockchain technologies and hear what private investors are...


NGI Policy Summit 2021

Online event

Redistribute the internet How can we rebuild the internet as a public good? NGI Forward will be hosting the capstone...


NGI ASSURE webinar on future of OpenPGP

Online event

State-of-the-art work on chains of trust This freely accessible online event on November 23 from 10 to 11 CET organized by NGI Assure dives into the...
