Final NGI Explorers’ Award ceremony

The NGI Explorer program is coming to an end and it is celebrating its community’s achievements with an unique event: the NGI Explorers Oscars.

Each of the Explorers will pitch their project in a brief demo session, to showcase their results and project highlights, divided by core technology cluster. These projects have been carried out by European researchers and innovators directly working with US interdisciplinary, tech-driven collaborative groups in the following domains: AI, Cybersecurity, Cloud/Edge Computing, IoT, 5G; and verticals: health, smart cities and buildings, network security and connectivity, smart transport, and tourism.

The event will follow with a Masterclass “Greening the NGI”, offered by TETRA project and conducted by Robert Miskuf  & Susanna Albertini.

The contestants will be then evaluated by a top-notch and well-rounded jury panel with solid knowledge and skill in technology and business. The following awards will be given:

  • Best project excellence
  • Best NGI Explorers impact
  • Brightest EU Explorer
  • Best social innovation impact
  • The best EU-US collaboration team

The NGI Explorers program would like to thank every US Node for their interest, commitment, energy, enthusiasm, and engagement in the program. They are the core part of this collective journey of ongoing efforts to strengthen the EU-US cooperative and vibrant ecosystem.

Visit the following link for more information:

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