Funding Opportunities for NGI Innovators: the Q and A Session

NGI research project’s insights and best practices to apply to the multiple active Open Calls in the NGI domain in a single live Q&A session with innovators.

NGI Open Calls: Q&A session

NGI Zero, NGI Assure, NGI, Ontochain and Fed4FIRE+ came together on 12 July featuring the NGI Open Calls: Q&A Session, an online event to present the wide range of Open Calls to which NGI innovators and researchers can currently apply.

The objective of the featured NGI Open Calls is to help with financial support, expertise and facilities the innovators along the way towards a human-centric Internet of tomorrow, emphasised Katherine Anderson from the NGI Outreach Office representative.

Technologies improving search and discovery

Joost Agterhoek from NLnet Foundation introduced the NGI Zero’s 16th Open Call, which supports new ideas and core technologies improving search and discovery and contributing to the open internet. Joost stressed the importance of the open-source feature for any subsidised project’s outcome.

More details:
Download the NGI Zero presentation here.

Reinforcing the European blockchain ecosystem

Joost Agterhoek then moved on digital assurance, presenting NGI Assure 4th Call. From scientific research to software engineering, this call funds projects that develop reusable building blocks for the Next Generation Internet as part of a complete, strong chain of assurances for all stakeholders.

More information:
Download the NGI Assure presentation here.

Federated testbeds for NGI innovators

Brecht Vermeulen, Fed4FIRE+ Technical Coordinator from Ghent University- IDLab, showcased the key features of the 9th Open Call and Continuous Open Calls for SMEs for NGI experiments testing.  Multiple federated testbeds in cross-technology areas, highlighted Brecht, allow academia, SMEs and startups to focus on implementing their existing products or services.

Further details:
Download the Fed4FIRE+ presentation here.

NGI Experiments together with US Teams

NGI’s James Clark outlined the main research topics funded through the 4th Open Call  for EU-US developed NGI experiments. The following discussion focused on the team-up possibilities with US entities in specific topics and snaked peak some features of NGI 5th Open Call.

More information:
Download the NGI presentation here.

Ontochain Framework Prototype

Ontochain Project Coordinator, Caroline Barelle, introduced the features of the 2nd Ontochain Open Call for ontological knowledge for an Internet of Trust. Marcel Müller, KnowledgeX, shared his experience as Ontochain innovator; besides accessing funding, Marcel highlighted the value of the Ontochain ecosystem, a vibrant community of specialists which support each other in the creation of disruptive technology.

Find out more:
Download the Ontochain presentation here.

The full recording of the NGI Open Calls: Q&A Session is available on our YouTube channel and here below.

If you are interested in knowing more about other funding under NGI

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