An NGI white paper

The HUB4NGI project has published a white paper entitled INNOVATORS ENGAGEMENT STRATEGY.

This white paper presents the strategy for the engagement of innovators into the NGI ecosystem. Based on the experience of HUB4NGI activities and achieved results, the main strategy action points to engage SMEs and start-ups have been formulated:

  • Building a strong NGI brand on national and international levels
  • Incentives and success stories
  • Light feedback collection and observation to assess the results of activities
  • Consultations
  • Leaders to promote NGI
  • Customised messages to stakeholder groups
  • Collaboration with other Coordination and Support Action projects

Findings in this white paper give a strong message that the revolutionary social and economic changes that are expected cannot happen without the active participation of innovative small- and medium- business players.

Download the white paper.

Download the related deliverable D3.1 – Innovators Engagement Strategy.

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