
Orvium is the open access publishing platform created for, and by, researchers that returns the benefits of science to society





Additional Info

Scientific publishing is one of the most profitable industries. The oligopoly of the top five publishers own 50% to 70% of all market. The imposed model is very slow, frustrating, and costly for researchers and has a huge negative impact on their careers and science evolution. The community reacted by redesigning publishing by digital Open Access (OA) journals. But the high costs to develop, maintain and operate services and infrastructures have hampered their viability. Orvium eliminates OA inefficiencies. We improve quality and effectiveness while reducing costs, allowing business continuity and ensuring a researchers centric model. Orvium using DLT, among other benefits, allows: full control over copyright to authors; traceable peer-review; decentralized journals with community driven governance; and recognition for stakeholders. Our strategy is to work with researchers using our experience at CERN. We signed agreements to be a CERN spin-off and design a future pilot at TU Delft.

Enduser Relevance

Orvium is the open access publishing platform created for, and by, researchers that returns the benefits of science to society




One platform for all your publishing needs

Country:  Spain

Status: Operational technology (practical and/or commercial viability)

Category: Decentralized solutions (including blockchain and distributed ledger technologies)

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