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NGI @ the Futur.e.s in Paris

June 21, 2018 @ 09:00 - 13:30

On 21 June and alongside Futur.e.s in Paris festival gathering more than 22.000 visitors during 3 days, Cap Digital will be organizing an NGI event “Should Open Data end where Data Protection begins?” organised in cooperation with the New European Media (NEM) Initiative and supported by Vital Media EU-funded project. Olivier Bringer, Deputy and acting Head of Next Generation Internet Unit will present the NGI Initiative. A debate “Should Open Data end where Data protection begins?” will follow. Learn more about upcoming NGI call for proposals (ICT-25 and ICT-30) with Rehana Schwinninger-Ladak, Head of Data Applications and Creativity Unit and upcoming NGI events. The morning will be ending with a networking buffet, giving the opportunity for the NEM and NGI communities to meet and exchange.

Please find the detailed draft agenda on the NEM website and register here. Please note that you also need to register to Futur.e.s in Paris festival to get access to the venue. Access to both NEM/NGI event and Futur.e.s in Paris festival are free of charge, but international visitors wishing to make the most of their stay are invited to purchase the International Pass which gives access to a Business Tour in Paris tech ecosystem, a guided tour through the festival’s most innovative demos, a networking space and a pitch session.


Download the event’s agenda here.

09:00-09:30 Registration and Coffee
09:30-09:35 Opening

Manuella Portier, Director of European Affairs at Cap Digital, Member of NEM Steering Board and NGI French Contact Point

09:35-09:45 New European Media Position on Next Generation Internet

Jean-Dominique Meunier, NEM Chairman


European Commission initiative on ‘The Next Generation Internet – An Internet of Humans’
Introduction to the NGI initiative and the upcoming calls for proposals

Olivier Bringer, Deputy and acting Head of Next Generation Internet Unit, European Commission

The Next Generation Internet initiative is about enabling a human-centric Internet – an Internet of Humans – which meets the new and more diverse needs of European citizens and businesses in a secure and trusted way, integrating technological game changers such as Artificial Intelligence, Distributed Ledger Technologies or interactive and immersive technologies.
Olivier and his team have been in charge of developing the NGI initiative and engaging relevant stakeholders. Olivier will give a state of play of the NGI initiative and the proposed next steps. He will explain how so-called ‘cascading funding’ under H2020 will support top-notch Internet researchers and innovators to help build the internet of tomorrow.

Questions & Answers

10:30-11:30 Debate: Should Open Data end where Data protection begins?
In an age when interactive technologies such as AR / VR transform our social interactions by redefining our digital identities, how do we protect our personal data online?
Data openness and transparency are becoming a growing trend among tech industries and governments in view of creating a more human-centric and open Internet. Furthermore, actions are being taken to restore the users’ trust in the Internet. While international cooperation and decentralization of governance over personal data is thought to give control back to the users, how and when do we consider the openness to be too much?
Taking into consideration that companies have recently aligned with GDPR, data protection has to be taken into account at the early stages of creation, or as it is called in tech, “privacy by design”. Companies now have to adapt their policies to two conflicting trends: data openness and protection.Jean-Paul Sartre once said “my freedom ends where the others’ begin”. We ask you, does open data end where data protection begins?

Moderator: Marta Arniani, founder of Futuribile / Curating Futures

Marta Arniani is a Horizon 2020 and technology social impact expert. She supports ecosystems of stakeholders and individual companies in designing open innovation projects, strategies and events to stay ahead of the digital transformation. Her interests lie in Digital Social Innovation, diversity and ethics in emerging technologies and innovation management. Marta curates a newsletter about tech and innovation social impact, called futuribile / curating futures.

11:30-11:40 Break
11:40-12:20 Presentation of NGI upcoming calls for proposals
Presentation of ICT-25-2018-2020 “Interactive Technologies” and ICT-30-2019-2020 “An empowering, inclusive Next Generation Internet”

Rehana Schwinninger-Ladak, Head of Data Applications and Creativity Unit, DG Connect, European Commission

Rehana Schwinninger-Ladak was appointed Head of the Unit “Data Applications and Creativity” in January 2018. The Unit ’s mission is to support the digital transformation of cultural and education institutions by i) promoting the digitisation of cultural heritage and its wider access and reuse through new technologies and the further development of Europeana as Europe’s platform for digital cultural heritage and ii) fostering the modernisation of education and training systems in an age of rapid technological changes.
To this end, the unit supports policy, research, innovation and the wider take up of interactive technologies, learning technologies and connectivity to allow European citizens to have a richer experience of cultural and educational content and to allow European businesses to create value from digital cultural heritage.
In her previous position at the European Commission, Rehana was the deputy Head of the Unit responsible for Learning, Multilingualism and Accessibility. Prior to it, she was closely involved in the development and follow-up of the European regulatory framework on audiovisual media and the Commission’s strategy on Data.

Questions & Answers

12:20-12:30 How to get involved in NGI and where to meet next?

Dr. Monique Calisti, Martel Innovate, HUB4NGI Coordinator

12:30-13:30 Networking Buffet

Please register here
Please also register to Futur.e.s in Paris festival to get access to the venue.
Access to the festival is free of charge, but international visitors wishing to make the most of their stay are invited to purchase the International Pass which gives access to a Business Tour in Paris tech ecosystem, a guided tour through the festival’s most innovative demos, a networking space and a pitch session.


Grande Halle de La Villette,
Hall de la Chanson,
211 avenue Jean Jaurès,
75019 Paris, France

Map: https://goo.gl/maps/b14P2dQr4CT2


Manuella Portier, Director of EU Affairs, Cap Digital, manuella.portier@capdigital.com
Julia Morawski, European Project Officer, Cap Digital, julia.morawski@capdigital.com
Ipshita Singh, European Project Assistant, Cap Digital, ipshita.singh@capdigital.com


About NGI: https://ngi.eu/
About NEM: https://nem-initiative.org/
About Futur.e.s in Paris festival: https://paris.futuresfestivals.com/
About Cap Digital: http://www.capdigital.com/


Grande Halle de La Villette, Hall de la Chanson
211 Avenue Jean Jaurès, 75019 Paris, France
Paris, Île-de-France 75019 France
+ Google Map


Manuella Portier, Director of EU Affairs, Cap Digital,
View Organizer Website