The Next Generation Internet for All Evolution (NGI4ALL.E) is set to strengthen and extend what has been built with the pass NGI4ALL CSA. NGI4ALL.E’s main goals are to bolster the NGI Outreach Office (NOO) and grow the NGI ecosystem in a sustainable and impactful way, by engaging and empowering a diverse and vibrant community of Internet stakeholders, while ensuring broad understanding and support for the NGI vision.

NGI4ALL.E aims to support NGI communication, marketing, and community building, helping engage a diverse community of stakeholders, spanning from researchers and innovators to policymakers and end-users. Ultimately, NGI4ALL.E will help sharpen the NGI vision, work and values, and tie it to broader conversations about the development of ethical, human-centred digital technologies, improving NGI visibility, accessibility, and relevance to non-technical audiences, in larger and more diverse contexts.

Growing a Sustainable and Inclusive Ecosystem.

The CSA brings together four partners, each of which with unique competencies and a proven track record of excellent commitment and achievements in the NGI innovation landscape: Martel Innovate (Netherlands), TIPIK (Belgium), FundingBox (Spain), and IDEAS FOR CHANGE (Spain).

NGI4ALL.E coordinator: Monique Calisti <monique.calisti[at]>

Deliverable name
D1.1 NGI Communication and Marketing Strategy and Plan M06
D1.2 NGI Strategic Guidance Report M18
D1.3 NGI Impact, Exploitation and Sustainability M36
D2.1 NGI Stakeholders Engagement Plan M06
D2.2 NGI Stakeholders Engagement Report M18
D2.3 NGI Stakeholders Engagement Final Report M36
D3.1 NGI Media mapping and database M06
D3.2 NGI Outreach Activities Report M18
D3.3 NGI Outreach Activities Final Report M36
D4.1 NGI Equity Diversity and Inclusion Work plan M06
D4.2 NGI Diversity and Inclusion Report M18
D4.3 NGI Diversity and Inclusion Final Report M36
D5.1 NGI Quality Assurance Plan M04
D5.2 NGI Data Management Plan M06
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