NGI TRANSOCEANIC will provide, manage and publicise to the targeted user communities an organisational and financial platform for regular research cycles of cascade funded projects engagements between EU and USA innovators. The projects will be related to common priority topics of mutual benefit derived from within the EU’s NGI related projects and initiatives and counterpart USA’s related programmes, especially the National Science Foundation (NSF) programs. Through the seamless and transparent infrastructure developed and set up to run their open call projects, the project addresses a wide range of NGI topics as specified in the call text spanning across advanced technology developments, joint demonstrators, and joint contribution to global standards.

- South East Technological University (Ireland)
- Trust-IT SRL (Italy)
- European Institute for Research and Strategic Studies in Telecommunications GMBH (Germany)
- Rutgers University (United States of America)
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (United States of America)