Rob Van Kranenburg – ASVIN

Rob van Kranenburg – ASVIN

Curious about the NGI origins?

Meet Rob van Kranenburg, the Chief Innovation Officer at the German cybersecurity company With a long-standing passion for the Internet of Things, Rob founded “” in 2010 and “” in 2009.
Early in the history of the Next Generation Internet (NGI), Rob was instrumental in launching NGI Move, the first NGI Coordination and Support Action (CSA). This successful initiative kickstarted the NGI movement across Europe, setting the stage for a more human-centric and secure internet.

Following this, a brief excerpt from each article linking to the content hosted in the Community:

The Disappearing Computer

Inspired by Mark Weiser’s vision from “The Computer for the 21st Century,” Rob explores how technologies weave into our everyday fabric, becoming indistinguishable from it, discussing the journey towards full connectivity and the need for a cultural shift in integrating AI and IoT seamlessly.

???? Want to learn more? Click here to read the full article.

About Ted Kaczynski – An approach to his thinking

Explore how technologies like IoT and RFID have gradually become part of our everyday lives and why this hasn’t yet sparked a broader debate about the impact of a fully digital world.

Imagine a balanced future where innovation is driven by both community efforts and commercial support, creating a world where technology serves the public good. How feasible is this vision?

???? Curious about it? Read the full article by clicking here.

Woman on the Edge of Time

Discover the visionary ideas of Marge Piercy, who, in the seventies, foresaw a world where technology enhances personal knowledge and promotes community-driven living. In her 1976 novel Woman on the Edge of Time, Piercy introduces the “Kenner,” a highly secure personal device offering advice and functioning much like today’s smartphones.

???? Want to learn more? Click here to read the full article.

Internet of Things, Security and AI

Imagine your passport functioning as a mobile phone and IoT controller, managing your smart home and car. This bold idea was shared in Brussels with Peter Fatelnig, who was working on a new program.

Could this vision of a smart passport soon become a reality?

???? Read the full article here.

NGI Talk – From early NGI to now: a journey

Join us for a lively talk with Rob van Kranenburg and Mirko Presser as they share the story of NGI from the beginning until now while looking back on what NGI is all about and what it has managed to do so far.
This conversation is a great chance to learn about NGI’s journey, goals, and achievements.

???? Watch the session by clicking here.


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