Increased participation of women and girls in ICT innovation is crucial for the European economy

On 14 April, Anna Higueras from the NGI Outreach Office represented NGI at the Data Feminism Day organized by La CIBA, a yearly event. Anna spoke about citizen generated data and how this can contribute to democratising information, decision-taking and include diverse profiles that are not usually considered.

During her session, she took the opportunity to mention and describe the first results of women in the NGI innovator’s research. Anna raised attention concerning the Innovator’s gender distribution data, having about 94% of the funded projects under the NGI umbrella led by male innovators. With that, she manages to provoke a reflection on the lack of gender diversity and richness in the tech landscape. Anna concluded that for a prosperous future, shaping human-centric digital technologies, there needs to be increased participation of women and girls leading on ICT innovation as it is crucial for our economy, as well as the global transition to sustainability.

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