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Discover the NGI Architects building the Internet of Humans

NGI Pointer just published the NGI Pointer Architects Booklet, an exhaustive collection of all the supported projects developed by the NGI Architects to build a human-centric Internet.

NGI Architects

Who is exactly an NGI Architect? “People with an ambition of changing the Internet and Web with European Values at the core” explains the NGI Pointer team. At a time when the Internet faces more complexities, NGI Architects are innovators who put all their efforts into evolving the underlying fabric of the Internet. Their goal is to create a trustworthy, safe, and inclusive online environment for all Europeans.

More than 200 innovators applied to the NGI Pointer 2020-2021 Open Calls for the purpose of renovating the Internet. You can find the details of the 37 selected and funded projects in the NGI Pointer Architects Booklet.

More information about the NGI Pointer work here.

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NGI Pointer