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NGI Podcast: Quantum Secure Trust on the Internet

Tune in to the latest NGI Architects’ Podcast: Quantum Secure Trust and Authentication for the Next Generation Internet.

Spotlight on NGI Architects”, NGI Pointer’s podcast series, is dedicated to the Next Generation Internet (NGI) technologies and methods for an Internet of Humans, and its fourth episode is out now.

Behind the microphones, David Hübner and Peter Gietz from TA4NGI / talk about the trust and security challenge for Quantum Secure encryption.

Quantum Computing capabilities may weaken the RSA encryption methods currently in use for the privacy of data. A widely-used encryption method, authentication protocols are the foundation of trust in many internet security application as Kerberos and SSL. The TA4NGI project is working on a more secure proof of concept for Quantum Secure encryption for authentication.

Tune in and listen to the latest episode.

If you missed the previous episodes of the “Spotlight on NGI Architects” podcast, you can listen to them here.