Meet the brightest ideas for solving data portability challenges!


The more promising projects for solving Europe’s Data Portability challenges have just been announced. The innovators behind them are now entering a 9-month journey aboard the EU project DAPSI – Data Portability & Services Incubator, to transform their ideas into real solutions.

This is the second group of projects entering DAPSI, now that the other 11 projects selected in September 2020 are getting close to the end of their incubation period. The applications for the second cohort closed on January 20th, 2021 with an impressive number of 176 submissions, coming from 39 different countries. With so many great solutions presented, the evaluation process was not easy, but ended up with the selection of 15 new high potential projects to solve data and service portability challenges.

“The 15 projects have a huge potential. They will deliver open-source results with the aim of contributing to the internet community. Addressing diverse challenges, but with a common goal of making Services and Data Portability more compliant with GDPR”, highlights DAPSI’s Coordinator, Sara Mateo.

The DAPSI journey

DAPSI will support the selected projects through a 9-month incubation programme where experts in diverse fields will provide a successful working methodology, access to top infrastructure, training in business and data related topics, coaching, mentoring, and a vibrant ecosystem. On top of that, each DAPSI project can receive up to €150k equity-free funding.

In this two-phase programme, the teams will develop advanced solutions in the Data Portability field, to make it significantly easier for citizens to have any data which is stored with one service provider transmitted directly to another provider.

In the first phase (Kick-Start phase) they will have around 5 months to develop a solution related to a specific use case.  After an assessment made by a panel of qualified experts, and based on milestones and results achieved, the teams will be invited into phase 2 (Booster phase). The use cases will then be fostered for 4 more months, to evolve into solid projects, to gain enough traction for deployment and get ready for the market.

To know more about the DAPSI’s second open call results, read the press release here.

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