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European Language Grid opens first call for Pilot Projects

Become a part of the European Language Grid (ELG). Boost your language technologies. Be among the first pioneers to test the platform. Take part in our open call for pilot projects.

ELG runs two open calls. The first call opened on 1 March 2020, project proposals can be submitted until 30 April 2020. The second call will open in September 2020.

Proposed projects should last between 9 and 12 months and can be funded with a budget of up to €200,000. Projects should contribute resources, services, tools or datasets to the ELG to increase its coverage, or they should develop applications using language resources and technologies available in the ELG. SMEs and research organisations are eligible for project funding. Proposals are to be submitted via the ELG Open Calls Platform.

For more information see the call documentation and the Open Calls page on the ELG website: