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NGI Explorers is looking for expert evaluators

The NGI Explorers is looking for expert evaluators for the selection of the candidates that will ultimately become Explorers and enjoy a 3-month Expedition in the US.

We are looking for:

  • Tech experts with sound technical backgrounds, experience working and developing state-of-the-art tools and with wide expertise in any of the NGI Focus AreasArtificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Big Data, Internet of Things, 5G, Cybersecurity or Cloud/Edge Computing.
  • Business experts with a solid trajectory in entrepreneurship, business development, start-up creation. Business angels, investors or relevant mentorship experience in the corporate world are welcome to apply.

Do not hesitate and join the NGI Explorers ecosystem becoming one of our evaluators! 2nd Open Call for Evaluators is open until April 21st 2020 (it takes no more than 5min. to register!).

Brief rundown of the scope and timeline of the commitment for the evaluation process:

  • After the Call for Evaluators closure, a webinar for evaluators will be hosted to present the particulars of the evaluation process – 1 hour approx.., estimated on the week of the 21st April (date TBC).
  • Then, Remote evaluation from external experts will start end of April 2020 and last until May 2020 (estimated 10 applications to review per evaluator). Applications are short in length.

Note: participation as an evaluator in the NGI Explorers program is a voluntary and non-remunerated effort.

If you would have any questions, please contact usWe are looking forward to collaborating with you!