The Next Generation Internet (NGI) community is gearing up for the NGI Forum in September, 2019 in Helsinki with a revamped on-line presence and an impressive new community platform to keep up with an ever-increasing demand for information.

NGI community members may be researchers or educators; start-ups; small and medium sized enterprises or big companies; programmers, citizens concerned about the future of the Internet for their children; national research bodies, internet regulators or legislators – diverse interests with a common purpose – a safe, open, respectful, useful internet that is accessible by all.

A fresh look to accompany the aspirational vision of NGI is essential – we’re re-shaping the Internet, let’s do it in style! Not just a pretty face, search functions work better and we think you’ll agree, it makes anyone with an interest in re-shaping the Internet of the future want to jump right in and join.

A community platform is also being launched to ensure community members can exchange ideas and make their voices not only heard, but amplified through shared interests and cross-fertilization of ideas. The community platform is a one-stop-shop to promote new functionalities, services, applications and technologies to support people’s lives and global sustainability goals. It is easier than ever to link long-term research with applied research and innovation, with policy and societal expectations by offering an engaging platform which facilitates interaction.

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