Watch our latest NGI videos

The Next Generation Internet initiative has launched two new videos. The videos outline NGI Funding Opportunities, and The Future of NGI – challenges and opportunities – respectively. We urge you to watch and share them!

First up, our NGI Funding Opportunities video outlines the NGI Open Calls. The film includes a statement from the European Commission’s Pearse O’Donohue about why it’s so important to the EC to fund innovation. There are also statements from those running the open calls, and an NGI awards recipient.

Watch the NGI Funding Opportunities video here:

The second video, The Future of NGI, interviews four internet innovators who spoke at the NGI Workshop at Four Years From Now. The 3-minute film is introduced by Dr Monique Calisti, CEO of Martel Innovate and head of the NGI Outreach Office. The innovators discuss some of the big issues facing the Next Generation Internet initiative, including the opportunities of 5G, the need for regulation and legislation, taking an interdisciplinary approach and looking at algorithms.

These topics and more will be discussed at the upcoming NGI Forum 2019 in Helsinki this September.

Watch The Future of NGI video here:

If you’d like to hear about or Open Calls and/or attend the NGI Forum 2019 to join the discussion and talk more on these issues, subscribe to our mailing list. The mailing list is the best way to find out when the NGI Forum registration opens. You will also get information on our Open Calls and more.

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NGI has also hosted several recent webinars outlining our Open Calls. Watch the NGI Webinars here.

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