Wrap-up of the NGI Networking Session at ICT2018

On 4th December 2018, the NGI team hosted a successful Networking Session at ICT2018. The title of the session was Let’s create the next generation internet – it’s ours to shape!

Internet Ambassadors

Internet Ambassadors came along to showcase human-centric values as central to the Next Generation Internet (NGI).

  • Marina Mortara, InterIoT project (Interoperability of Heterogeneous IoT platforms). Decentralised and mobile monitoring of assisted living so care givers can improve health services.
  • Eduard Grasa,  RINA (Recursive InterNetwork Architecture). Allowing users to roam through wireless networks in an internet that is secure by design. Simple yet powerful.
  • Johannes Klingmayr, Linz Center of Mechatronics GMBH. Moving from the Internet of Data capture to the Internet of Knowledge Engines because this is a much better way to underpin EU human values.

Austrian NGI Projects

Innovators from Austrian NGI projects also got the chance to say how they are helping to shape the next generation internet.

  • Katrin Mathmann, Foodnetlab. Working towards an innovation lab for food producers, breeders and retail.
  • Mario Drobics, COMPASS. Offering opportunities to turn societal values into business values through a transparent process in the creation of new products.
  • Axel Polleres, Expedite. Working with social scientists, technologists and lawyers to find new ways of using data. The aim is to make sure EU citizens get the full benefits of data without any of the risks in sharing it.

NGI Award Winner

The networking session was also a fantastic opportunity to showcase the NGI Awards.

And the winner is ….

Christopher Frauenberger from TU Vienna who scooped up the award for best NGI Research & Education.

In COMPASS, Christopher is investigating the deep connectivity between the internet and the data economy. This means re-thinking current approaches so the internet is more inclusive and sustainable.

NGI consultation platform: check out the discussion channels here: NGI Networking session.

NGI Offer

The NGI team wrapped-up the session with a snapshot of several core activities:

Upcoming NGI open calls for innovators. Funding opportunities!

The next round of NGI Awards. Official recognition of your innovations!

The NGI Consultation platform. Have your say about the next-gen internet!

The NGI Map. Put your innovative organisation on this EU map!

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