Presentation & Webinar recording published on ICT-24 and ICT-31 Calls

The European Commission held the first Next Generation Internet (NGI)  information webinar on 7 December 2017. This information session focused on 2 calls:

  • The NGI Open Internet Initiative – objective ICT-24-2018
    3 Research & Innovation (R&I) Actions; EUR 21 Million; 2-3 years;
    1 R&I project per topic:

    • Privacy and trust enhancing technologies,
    • Decentralized data governance,
    • Discovery and identification technologies;

supported by 3 Coordination and support actions (CSAs; EUR 7 million).

  • The EU-US collaboration on NGI – objective ICT-31-2018
    2 CSAs (EUR 2.5 Million); 3 years;

    • CSA 1: Organise & other support activities
    • CSA2: A Fellowship programme.

Please find the European Commission’s slides (pdf) about the NGI initiative, the idea behind including a deep-dive into the calls above. To watch the recording of the whole webinar session please click the video below.

PLAY RECORDING (1 hr 44 min)

Please also check the slides of the IDEALIST Network. Ideal-ist is an international network of National Contact Points who are trained by the European Commision to assist proposers in the submission of project proposals in the H2020. All their services are FREE and include partner search, online pre-proposal check tool, etc. (see presentation for others). Please see who the National Contact Point is in your country:

Please share and download!

The next ICT-24 and ICT-31 information webinar will be on 31 January 2018.

For further questions please contact CNECT-Next-Generation-Internet!

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