First Highlights from the NGI Forum 2017

The NGI Forum 2017 has been a great success: with more than 160 registered people, 15 speakers, 92 contributors in place from 18 different countries and 3 parallel working sessions, it has engaged active players from the Next Generation Internet scene all across Europe.

This first edition of the NGI Forum has been the opportunity to share knowledge with leading experts from across a variety of disciplines, including privacy and trust technologies, discovery and identification, decentralised data governance and edge intelligence. The keynote presentations have provided insight into the main R&D priorities and challenges ahead to build an Internet of the future that better reflect the needs of people.

It was a great honour to have at the NGI Forum Prof. Louis Pouzin, one of five Internet and Web pioneers, who actively engaged in discussions and inspired all participants with his words and experience.

The NGI Forum has also been an opportunity to learn and discuss specific topics in highly interactive working sessions, where all participants to the event were engaged into 3 parallel workshops that contributed to the dialogue on the best way to meet these ambitious goals of the NGI initiative.

A more detailed report will be circulated soon. Meanwhile, all presentations have been made available via the NGI Forum web site at:

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