Proof-of-location and proof-of-validity for supply chains
FarmerConnect specializes in blockchain traceability for disaggregated supply chains which include over half a billion smallholders producing a significant amount of the global food volume, including coffee and cocoa. By uniting Self Sovereign identify (SSI) and blockchain we can establish trust among the player along the supply chain – to date, we have had some success providing farmers with digital SSI wallets where they can confirm the receipt of cash payments for goods traced through the blockchain. This will improve supply chain transparency and put smallholders in a better position to capture a bigger portion of the value of the final product. SSI will help give voice and control to smallholders about their profile, data and how it is used in countries far away from them.
Supply Chain Information
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 957228.
Country: Spain Switzerland
NGI Project: trublo
Status: Early research demo
Category: Decentralized solutions (including blockchain and distributed ledger technologies)Network infrastructure (including routing, peer-to-peer and virtual private networking)