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Linux Regtracking

Build and integrate mechanisms into the Linux kernel development processes to track all regressions reported by humans or CI systems, as the kernel is at the very heart of many devices that drive the internet or connected to it – but many of those use outdated kernel versions with known vulnerabilities, as vendors and admins fear switching to a later version might break something.





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Enduser Relevance

The mechanisms built for tracking Linux kernel regressions will include adapting or writing a servicebot tailored to the specific needs of the kernel developers and their email based workflow.



Not available yet


To make sure the solution is practical and accepted in practice the project owner will work it out in close relationship with the maintainers and create procedures on how to use it during development. The goal is to see the solution properly established to ensure its continued use after this project ends

Country:  Germany

Status: Tested and internet-scalable solution

Category: Vertical use cases, improving search and discovery and community building

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