
GraphChain – a framework for on-chain data management for Ontochain.





Additional Info

Semantic data stored on the ONTOCHAIN must conform to the fundamental rules of data integrity, confirmability, non-repudiation, and high-availability. Storing and making available essential ontologies, managing data related to users' identification and authorization, data for reputation systems, or data used by Knowledge Graphs, must be fully decentralized. The data must be available across the entire network, without the degradation of performance or universality of search, the data use, or presentation.

GraphChain is a Blockchain compliant distributed database which exposes its data with explicit semantics, and is easily and natively accessible. It applies Blockchain securitization mechanisms to the RDF graph data model directly, without additional packaging or specific serialization. Instead of encapsulating the semantic data into Blockchain blocks, we propose to design and implement the Blockchain mechanisms on top of semantic data.

Enduser Relevance

This solution allows for construction of systems for digital identity, supply chains and Knowledge Graphs where the end users benefit from the security and trust of decentralized Blockchain solutions.



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Country:  Poland

Status: Operational technology (practical and/or commercial viability)

Category: Decentralized solutions (including blockchain and distributed ledger technologies)

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