
Enables controlled, privacy-preserving sharing of data items. It leverages Self-Sovereign Identities, Verifiable Credentials, and Zero-Knowledge Proofs, and integrates them in a platform that combines OAuth 2.0 and the Web of Things specifications.





Additional Info

We will pilot a real-world use case of sharing energy related data from two industrial partners. Our prototype will (a) include IoT devices from smart homes and buildings provided by the project partners, and (b) demonstrate controlled, privacy-preserving, and tamper-proof data sharing with stakeholders such as energy providers, utilities, and Distribution System Operators (DSOs)

Enduser Relevance

End-user can securely make a subset of the data generated by their IoT devices available to 3rd parties, in a stratified manner, to benefit from the added value of the provided services, preventing vendor “lock-in” and encouraging interoperability.



The project extends open-source software that implements the latest standards, by integrating free, open-source, software components developed by the team. In particular, we extend Eclipse’s ThingWeb, an open source IoT gateway that implements W3C’s Web of Things (WoT) family of standards. We will rely on JSON-LD BBS Signature library that implements BBS+ linked-data signatures draft, which is being developed by the W3C Credentials Community Group for providing ZKP-capable digital signatures.

Country:  Greece

Status: Early research demo

Category: Middleware and identity (including DNS, authorisation, authentication, reputation systems, distribution and deployment, operations)

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