Open Know-How Standard

Once you published design files of a machine you stuck with the platform you chose. If anybody uses your designs on a different platform you are not able to make use of the changes.





Additional Info

We are specifically concerned by the data and content created by ‘makers’. They are the authors of designs and documentation for hardware (together referred to as “works”), which are published on platforms 80+ platforms. We aim to explore tools to re-establish the boundary between makers and service providers hosting this data. Once you published design files of a machine you are mostly stuck with the platform you chose. If anybody uses your designs on a different platform you are not able to make use of the changes. Along with the Open Hardware Community we develop a standard for Hardware Projects to unify documentation and multiply its usage.

Enduser Relevance

Our idea mobilises highly-desirable interoperability to enable less-desirable portability on online hardware platforms.



Not available yet

Country:  Denmark Germany

Status: Early research demo

Category: Services and applications (for example email, instant messaging, video chat, collaboration, cloud storage)

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