Distributed Learning for Virtual Network Mgmt

This project aims at investigating and experimenting with algorithmic and system solutions that efficiently allow the distribution of multi-agent network models for self-scaling and resilient Next Generation networks.




Additional Info

The presence of new requirements, such as high reliability, zero packet loss, and real-time interaction, posed by data-intensive applications, e.g., augmented/virtual reality, industrial 4.0, or healthcare, exacerbates the need for more performant, scalable, resilient, and self-adapting networks. To support such applications, there is a need to rethink the design of both networks and applications, creating more intelligent and autonomous networks. While AI/ML technologies continue to evolve at a rapid pace, moving from a paradigm of supervised learning towards distributed self-learning requires solving several challenges in the design and deployment of wide-scale networks. Among those challenges, this project plans to tackle:
1. scalability and sustainability of AI/ML models for network management;
2. robustness of learning solutions in practical deployments.
We plan to use existing NSF-funded large-scale virtual network testbeds and, to solve such network management pro

Enduser Relevance

This project improves network management of NGI, and by extension the wider community (industry, healthcare etc) using the NGI.


Associate Professor Guido Marchetto, Politecnico di Torino, ( https://www.linkedin.com/in/guido-marchetto-2653952 )


Not available yet


This experiment is currently underway

Country:  Italy United States

Status: Early research demo

Category: Data and machine learningNetwork infrastructure (including routing, peer-to-peer and virtual private networking)

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