Physical Unclonable Functions for IoT Assets

Verify and validate asvin secure bootstrapping process with integration of decentralized and distributed technologies to uniquely identify an IoT device and perform required authentication and authorization.





Additional Info

The main objective of the project is to stress test the asvin solution using the high computing resources facilitated by testbeds situated in the Europe and US. An experiment with iterative approach will be executed, exploring the impact of different variables such as network bandwidth, package loss rate. The project aims to verify, validate, and improve asvin’s bootstrapping solution. In each iteration of the experiment, solution's configuration parameters will be tweaked to improve the performance, find the weak links, and corner cases.

Enduser Relevance

A secure bootstrapping is the foremost step for an IoT device to become part of a critical, heterogeneous network. A complete, advanced bootstrapping process can help to close the security loopholes and provide defence against unwanted attacks. Thus


Mr. Mirko Ross ( asvin GmbH ),


Not available yet


This experiment is currently underway

Country:  Germany United States

Status: Early research demo

Category: Network infrastructure (including routing, peer-to-peer and virtual private networking)

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