Secure communication using robust 3D localization

The implementation and experimentation of secure communication solutions for mobile wireless networks, building on the development of robust 3D localization algorithms on the NSF-funded POWDER/RENEW platform in Salt Lake City, UT.





Additional Info

The secure communication solution will be implemented and tested on the NSF-funded Platforms for Advanced Wireless Research (PAWR), namely the POW-DER/RENEW platform in Salt Lake City, UT []. Security will be realized by taking advantage of the space-time properties of the communication environment due to the use of a massive multiple-input multiple output (MIMO) base-station and MIMO client nodes in PAWR and the use of polar codes (which have been adopted by 5G standards). The implementation of the proposed system consists of (a) robust localization of mobile nodes by a MIMO base station and (b) novel space-time processing and coding to ensure secrecy in the communication links between the base station and the mobile nodes.

Enduser Relevance

The proposed work aims at enhancing the security level of 5G wireless networks which are based on massive MIMO base-stations and MIMO client nodes.


Georgios Karystinos, (Technical University of Crete)


Not available yet


This experiment is currently underway.

Country:  Greece United States

Status: Early research demo

Category: Network infrastructure (including routing, peer-to-peer and virtual private networking)

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