Evaluation of OSCP in a Dense Urban Environment

An augmented reality (AR) cloud is an enhanced version of the real world extended by persistent, location-anchored digital objects. We adapt various components of the Open Spatial Computing Platform (OSCP) to become deployable at multiple testbeds.





Additional Info

The Open AR Cloud (OARC) Europe team is adapting the reference implementation of the OSCP and deploying the components on the COSMOS 5G platform in Manhattan. In addition, the team creates a new Unity-based reference client application and two representative demo applications. The team is also working on integrating a new, open-source Visual Positioning Service developed by George Mason University. The OARC has releasing the components as open-source code (see https://github.com/OpenArCloud) and some of these are already deployed on an OARC tested in Bari, Italy.

Enduser Relevance

The common vision of a “real-world metaverse” is to be able to place 3D digital information linked to any physical place, enhancing our ability to gather information at a glance. In existing AR cloud solutions today, the images and 3D maps of a user's personal environment are centralised to a few industry giants. To address these privacy concerns, this project aims to advance and make publicly available all components of an end-to-end AR cloud solution, the Open Spatial Computing Platform (OSCP).


Alina Kadlubsky, (Open AR Cloud Europe gUG)


Not available yet


This experiment is currently underway.

Country:  Austria United States

Status: Early research demo

Category: Services and applications (for example email, instant messaging, video chat, collaboration, cloud storage)

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