Decentralized data ecosystem for the OBADA

The NGI eReuse-Ledger testbed is a permissioned distributed ledger to support experimentation about device traceability, provided by UPC in collaboration with the organization and the University of Nevada-Reno in USA.





Additional Info

We need effective circular market ecosystems capable of reusing ICT devices, extending their lifespan for new uses, instead of always manufacturing new ones, through reuse, repair, and ensure final recycling in a sustainable way. The collaboration takes place between the industrial experience of OBADA, the knowledge about the reverse supply chain of electronics at the University of Nevada-Reno in USA with the NGI eReuse-Ledger testbed in Europe.
It offers an experimental distributed ledger for traceability that does not store details but only proofs (hashes) and economic deposits for devices as incentives. It is privacy-preserving while ensuring the trust, verifiability, irreversibility, tamper proof required safety properties for environmental accountability. The experimental results provide insights about performance and scalability as well as test the design of the operations and parameters of public API to record key operations.

Enduser Relevance

We need to create effective market ecosystems capable of reusing ICT devices, extending their lifespan for new uses, instead of always manufacturing new ones, through reuse, repair, and ensure final recycling in a sustainable way.


Dr. Leandro Navarro Moldes, (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)


Not available yet


This experiment has completed.

Country:  Spain United States

Status: Operational technology (practical and/or commercial viability)

Category: Decentralized solutions (including blockchain and distributed ledger technologies)Services and applications (for example email, instant messaging, video chat, collaboration, cloud storage)

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