Integrating OpenIreland and COSMOS testbeds

To interconnect the COSMOS and Open-Ireland testbeds and develop machine learning algorithms capable of predicting physical layer network behaviour on those testbeds.





Additional Info

The purpose of our experiments is, on one side to evaluate the ability to transfer a machine learning model from simulation to a testbed environment and between two different testbeds. Here we investigate the trade-off between data training requirements and performance. More in depth, our investigation covers the effect that collecting data point measurements across different wavelength channels, data rates, modulation formats, topologies and optical devices has on the amount of data required to train the algorithms.
On the other side we show an application running in the COSMOS testbed, that can control resources in the OpenIreland testbed, reserving capacity in the optical transmission networks, and spectrum in the wireless nodes. The initial concept was developed through the FUTEBOL European project and will be brought here to a large-scale use case.

Enduser Relevance

These algorithms have the potential to provide more reliable and sustainable internet networks.


Prof. Marco Ruffini (TCD),


Not available yet


This experiment has not completed.

Country:  Ireland Italy United States

Status: Operational technology (practical and/or commercial viability)

Category: Network infrastructure (including routing, peer-to-peer and virtual private networking)

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