Protect population through peer governance

Danaides, Clemson University and Sciences Po Toulouse developed the P2PR2P software, which provides a secured platform that enables responsible and accountable common-pool resources governance for humanitarian and human rights collective action.





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Aid industry practices rarely attribute value to the beneficiaries when these contribute information or other resources necessary to organise assistance efficiently. This top-down approach undermines community-level resilience. The P2PR2P integrity model values a beneficiary’s contribution to the collective aid effort. On an operations/coordination level, the commons approach to the humanitarian/human rights space in conflict/complex environments is complicated by remoteness, privacy and security issues. We tackle these difficulties by delivering accountability and resource sustainability through technology (DLT) and safety and connectivity issues are addressed by providing secure, robust, and context appropriate communication.
The experiment has allowed us to test the robustness of P2PR2P on the FABRIC testbeds to verify our privacy and accountability technologies. FABRIC was chosen since its design gives a degree of network access/control that was previously impossible. Experimenters can access/modify/control the network at all possible levels. We also used an experimental testbed in a representative environment in Chad.

Enduser Relevance

This allowed us to evaluate P2PRTP impacts on peer-to-peer governance of humanitarian aid as common-pool-resources and test our assumptions using a human user network in Sub-saharan Africa.



Not available yet


This experiment has completed.

Country:  France United States

Status: Operational technology (practical and/or commercial viability)

Category: Decentralized solutions (including blockchain and distributed ledger technologies)Network infrastructure (including routing, peer-to-peer and virtual private networking)

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