Open and Resilient Radio Access Network for Next Generation Wireless Backhauls. This project evaluates the technical feasibility of large-scale NG backhaul using real world data and using the “Colosseum” testbed available at Northeastern University.





Additional Info

Possibly, the greatest innovations introduced by 5G will be invisible to the users and reside in the open, dynamic, intelligent architecture that runs the network. However, we can only imagine a tiny bit of the complexity of future networks, not enough to base current research on realistic assumptions. This project aims at merging the data-based network design carried on by the University of Venice (Italy) with the advanced experimental facilities by Northeastern University (USA) to study the backhaul network of 5G and beyond, which will radically change compared to previous generations of mobile networks. We will produce scientific results, open source code, and open data that will contribute to shape this research field in the years to come.

Enduser Relevance

Our goal is to design networks based on realistic scenarios and assess to what extent NG Wireless Backhaul can be used to make 5G more accessible by the end users.


Associate Prof. Leonardo Maccari, (Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia)


Not available yet


This experiment is currently underway.

Country:  Italy United States

Status: Early research demo

Category: Network infrastructure (including routing, peer-to-peer and virtual private networking)

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