Decentralized Science

A distributed Open Science publication system, with Open Access infrastructure, a reviewer reputation network and transparent peer reviews.


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Decentralized Science

Additional Info

Academic publishing is key for science. However, it is controlled by an oligopoly of publishers, that profit from the free work of academics, and often impose unfair conditions. Our project aims to disintermediate science publication. Using emerging distributed technologies such as Blockchain and IPFS, we propose a decentralized publication system for Open Science, providing 1) an Open Access infrastructure, 2) a privacy-by-design review reputation system, and 3) transparent governance processes.We offer unique value to authors (fairer and faster reviews), reviewers (recognition) and editors (a network of reviewers). It will reduce the costs of science publication and provide transparency, accountability and quality to peer reviews.

Enduser Relevance

A distributed Open Science publication system, with Open Access infrastructure, a reviewer reputation network and transparent peer reviews.



Transparency and rewards for a faster and better peer reviewing

Country:  Spain

Status: Operational technology (practical and/or commercial viability)

Category: Decentralized solutions (including blockchain and distributed ledger technologies)

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