Make content creators, journalists and artist become independent!




Additional Info

Backme is the only platform that allows content creators to earn a steady income and at the same time respect users privacy. Secondly it helps build communities outside the traditional socials. There are no advertisements, no algorithms and no subscriptions. All payments are small recurring donations. We're the only 'media' company in NL that fully conforms to the GDPR. In the 2nd half of 2018 we concluded multiple experiments with the Nat. Fund of Journalism. In 2019 we incorporated and developed a MVP for 7K, we closed 2019 with 50K revenue in only 8 months with 9 (!) content creators (pilotgroup). 2020 We joined forces with developers in UK to start working on the next iteration that will enable deployment of our platform how it's supposed to work, meaning: easy user on-boarding, automated payouts and multi-lingual. So far we exceeded our accountants expectations and we are really in desperate need of funding to help many content creators across Europe and beyond with our platform.

Enduser Relevance

Make content creators, journalists and artist become independent!



Together we convert your audience into your own community, which supports you to finance your creations sustainably.

Country:  Netherlands

Status: Operational technology (practical and/or commercial viability)

Category: Decentralized solutions (including blockchain and distributed ledger technologies)

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