Universal Backup Service (UBS) for SSI Agents

A vendor-neutral, plug-and-play component for equipping SSI Agents with a service to generate interoperable backups of end user data





Additional Info

The UBS component is intended to enable integrating SSI agents with encrypted backup functionality. More specifically, by integrating the UBS client library, SSI Wallets and Agents will be able to easily create, update, and retrieve encrypted data backups from a remote (either self hosted, or maintained by a backup provider) backup service. Access to encrypted backup documents (as well as the endpoints for creating, updating and deleting them) will be protected using a (configurable) authorization strategy. The UBS client library / service will integrate with existing DID infrastructure to resolve cryptographic material used for encrypting content and authorizing requests.
The UBS component is intended to be an easily deployable, higly configurable, plug and play component, that can suit a wide range of use cases and deployments.

Enduser Relevance

By allowing SSI providers the ability to easily set up self-hosted UBS instances, or use a fully automated backup service, SSI solutions can be competitive on the Digital ID Market and bring the users� self-sovereign capabilities back to foreground.


Jolocom GmbH at hello@jolocom.com


Not available yet


Read full project summary at https://gitlab.grnet.gr/essif-lab/business/ubs/solution-description-for-ubs

Country:  Germany

Status: Early research demo

Category: Decentralized solutions (including blockchain and distributed ledger technologies)

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