Dynamic Data Sharing Hub with Consent Flow

We link semantic to SSI and open the field of complex criteria search with an authentic consent flow. A first level search on semantic allows data to flow only when consent has been notified. Patients and clinical trials actors are intimately linked




SSI Sharing

Additional Info

The concept of our Dynamic Data Sharing Hub (DDSH) is born from our experience in the health sector. The exchange of large and sensitive data drives complexity and costs to unprecedented levels in clinical trials. Worse, complexity leads to opaque data governance and loss of trust by patients. Without surprise, privacy concerns slow down innovation.
Our innovation adds consent into digital information search. Patient information is made available only if a consent receipt from a legitimate source is made available. Pharma interest is preserved through the concept of 'Data Enrichment'.
DDSH starts with a Data Capture Hub (DCH) to create an ecosystem of harmonised data. Then data is in a state ready for secondary data sharing. A first search is done at the semantic level. Once the consent receipt has been recorded, authorised data is exchanged. All flagged PII data are encrypted (or removed). Data can be shared across multiple stakeholders through a Data Sharing Hub.

Enduser Relevance

We bring actors of clinical trials into a private sphere. We facilitate data exchange between any parties.
Patients keep control of their data without administrative burden. Pharmas do not rely on expensive data intermediaries.


The Human Colossus Foundation at contact@humancolossus.org


Not available yet


Project represent the status of the technology at the time of the project. Please contact the Human Colossus Fondation for an updated status. Read full project summary at at https://gitlab.grnet.gr/essif-lab/business/SSISharing/data-sharing-hub

Country:  Austria France Poland Switzerland

Status: Tested and internet-scalable solution

Category: Decentralized solutions (including blockchain and distributed ledger technologies)

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