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Decentralized Key Management Infrastructure 4 SSI

A Decentralized Key Management Infrastructure (DKMI) is essential to any SSI implementation. DKMI is the cryptographic infrastructure upon which the necessary authentication keys are exchanged between SSI actors





Additional Info

In 2020, a new type of ultrasecure, ledger agnostic DKMI made its way through the SSI community: Key Event Receipt Infrastructure (KERI). Currently being developed by DIF (Decentralized Identity Foundation) KERI is making its first appearance in real world applications as the 1st truly & fully decentralized identity system.
With KERI Ecosystem components developers of SSI solutions will be able to:
* move between networks and ledgers with your identifiers (can work with blockchain and non-blockchained networks)
* delegate identifier to another identity (no matter on which network or system it was created)
* provide key provenance log for production ready Verifiable Credential management
* recovery from key lost through pre-rotation event
* use your identifiers at scale
* resolve any identifier through Distributed Hash Table algorithms without relying on centralize resolver or network.
* operate with any type of Verifiable Credentials across network

Enduser Relevance

Currently being developed by DIF (Decentralized Identity Foundation) KERI is making its first appearance in real world applications as the first truly & fully decentralized identity system


The Human Colossus Foundation


Not available yet


Read full project summary at

Country:  Switzerland

Status: Early research demo

Category: Decentralized solutions (including blockchain and distributed ledger technologies)

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