Cooperative habitat for music

The Coop Passport provides portable membership between cooperatives. It is based on mutual trust and a 'commons' of membership and resource exchanges between three founding co-operatives: FairBnB, Pavilion and Resonate.




Stay Fair, Play Fair

Additional Info

The Cooperative Passport is a verifiable credential. Members will control their own credential and find it easier to join other co-operatives without repeated verification of original identity proofs. They will only need to share what is necessary to join. Co-operatives will work with other co-operatives, governed in line with ICA principle 6, to mutualise the cost of KYC, respect the privacy of their members and reduce the risk of unnecessary aggregation, correlation and duplication of members' data. Fairbnb and Resonate will start by trialling a co-operative habitat for tourists, local independent music and musicians with a 'commons' of membership and resource exchange. 'Stay Fair, Play Fair'. Pavilion will also implement a verification process for 'Community' membership in Pavilion with associated discounts on software development services.

Enduser Relevance

The Cooperative Password will save KYC costs, reduce sign-up friction, boost membership and enable privacy-respecting cross-membership deals and 'affinity' offers.


Fair BnB Network Societ� Cooperativa, Jonathan Reyes Gonz�lez at


Not available yet


Read full project summary at

Country:  Italy

Status: Early research demo

Category: Decentralized solutions (including blockchain and distributed ledger technologies)

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