Digital Certificate of Good Conduct

G3C (Good Conduct Certificate Credential) provides a solution for issuing, verifying, processing and archiving digital Certificates of Good Conducts





Additional Info

More than 1 mil organizations in the Netherlands process paper Certificate of Conducts. It is mandatory for them to request, verify, process and archive these certificates.
The G3C solution comes with the following characteristics:
1. Privacy preserving, control over your own data, GDPR friendly
- This will improve the privacy of the citizens controlling which data they share and with whom
- Organizations do not necessarily have to store the person�s data themselves.
2. Providing automatic, Straight Through Processing of data.
- This saves organizations significant amounts of work, time and money
- Shorter cycle means the employee/citizen can start quicker.
3. Any tampering with data is immediately evident.
- This will prevent attempts of fraud and expose bad actors.
4. Supports intermediate revocation of the CoCG credential.
- This will improve safety and security for the goal and purpose for which the CoCG certificate is being issued.

Enduser Relevance

CoGC provides a solution for issuing, verifying, processing and archiving digital Certificates of Good Conducts.


Credenco B.V.


Not available yet


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Country:  Netherlands

Status: Early research demo

Category: Decentralized solutions (including blockchain and distributed ledger technologies)

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