
BCdiploma is a blockchain-based service for issuing 100% digital and secure credentials that has convinced over 100 universities. Mywallet.cloud by BCdiploma is a wallet for students to receive, store and share their credentials with relying parties.





Additional Info

BCdiploma develops and integrates an SSI-enabled enterprise and a student wallet, including a verifier service. These wallets will support the entire credential lifecycle in the EBSI/ESSIF trust environment.
BCdiploma is a leading B2B solution for higher education institutions that allows them to:
- Strengthen the brand image, by designing the credentials: responsive, mobile-first and accessible via a simple URL link, and tamper-proof
- Enhance the employability (and satisfaction) of the students, with credentials that are valid for life, multilingual and easily shared
- Reduce the certificate management time by automating the issuing and sending of credentials.
Integrating SSI technologies into an already decentralized solution like BCdiploma provides a unique level of interoperability in the market, increasing institutional confidence in the sustainability and viability of the solution.
BCdiploma works closely with Walt.id on these topics.

Enduser Relevance

Thanks to mywallet.cloud by BCdiploma, universities will offer their students:
- a credentials conservation service for life;
- interoperable with all universities & verifiers.
Immediate processing gains & essential service for students




Read full project summary at https://gitlab.grnet.gr/essif-lab/business_2/blockchain-certified-data/BCDiploma_project_summary

Country:  France

Status: Early research demo

Category: Decentralized solutions (including blockchain and distributed ledger technologies)

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