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Business, Career & Funding

March 27, 2018

Let’s Speak… NGI – Next Generation Internet – Business, Career & Funding Opportunities, while developing a human-centric internet

A 1-day workshop, 27 March 2018

Purpose & Scope

NGI – Next Generation Internet is offering organisations, researchers and entrepreneurs across Europe a formidable chance: To build a Human Internet for a better future. This is a long-term goal, with funding opportunities that started in April 2018 with ICT-24, ICT-31 and continuing into FP9.

This 1-day workshop was about unlocking business, career, and funding opportunities for representatives from business, academia, and regulators, discussing social challenges and technical insights about the solutions that could be taken forward in the European calls for proposals, also as part of the so-called “smaller grants” envisaged by the NGI calls that closed in April 2018. NGI Champions (ECP, European Champions Panel) and Early Adopters will participate to debate and will continue to interact on the NGI open Consultation Platform available online at www.consultation.ngi.eu.

The dedicated channel on the Consultation Platform helped raise awareness of the opportunities for Research and Education; Start-ups and Culture to start creating momentum before the event: https://consultation.ngi.eu/taxonomy/term/116. To post on the channel you need to go through a quick registration process herehttps://consultation.ngi.eu/user/register.

Who attended?

This workshop brought together innovative start-ups, SMEs and academic and research institutions working on or interested in NGI-related technologies like blockchain, decentralised data governance, privacy and security, artificial intelligence, as well as 5G, cyber security and IoT.

Participant takeaways

→ Practical, insightful guides on NGI funding opportunities, including open calls.

→ Project idea pitches and opportunity to find new collaborations.

→ New career opportunities that NGI can help unlock, through collaborative research programmes and more.

→ Connections with our European Champions Panel for tips and views on priority research and innovations.

→ Initial launch of the NGI Early Adopters Club, helping others ease their way into a pan-European community and showcase their innovative solutions and NGI-related best practices.

The Agenda
Tuesday 27th March 2018
Next Generation Internet – Business, Career & Funding Opportunities, while developing a human-centric internet
Time Description  Speaker
09:00-10:00 Registration, Welcome Coffee & visit to the NGI stands
10:00-10:30 Welcome & Introduction: NGI Vision- Current Research & Early Adopters, and Public Consultation Silvana MuscellaEvent Chair, UK (ppt)
10:30-10:45 Keynote: Developing a Humanized Internet for Our Future Monique Morrow – Women in Technology & NGI ECP, Switzerland  (ppt)
10:45-11:15 Panel of Early Adopters: NGI solutions & challenges  Moderator: Filippo TramelliPrimopiano Scrl, Italy (ppt)

  • Tua HuomoExecutive Vice President VTT & NGI ECP, Finland
  • Chiara BrescianiSynchronicity, Italy (ppt)
  • Roberto MinervaEIT Digital & Softfire, Italy (ppt)
  • Andrea ClaudiADB, Italy
  • Daniele Miorandi – U-Hopper srl, Italy (ppt)
11:15-11:30 Coffee break
11:30-12:00 NGI: Not just a technology playground: building a culture with the NGI awards.

The future of internet research: what are the hot topics?

Moderator: Silvana MuscellaEvent Chair, UK

  • Marta ArnianiNGI Awards, France (ppt)
  • David LaniadoNGI Research Topics, UK (ppt)
  • Jim ClarkeNGI Open Consultation Platform, Ireland (ppt)

Open floor discussion

12:00-12:30 Social Impact of NGI: Views from the younger generation & other users. Towards a new internet governance?

Interactive discussions on social impacts & internet governance

12:30-13:00 NGI Success Stories & Sustainable Paths – NGI Champions in Europe Moderator: Richard StevensHUB4NGI & IDC, Italy (ppt)

13:00-14:00 Networking lunch & photo galore
14:00-14:30 European Vision for Current & Upcoming Funding Opportunities Moderator: Paolo LombardiNGI Open Consultation Platform, UK

  • Stefano FogliettaEuropean Commission

Q&A Session

14:30-15:00 One-Minute-Pitch-Parade (NGI players) & NGI Awards Moderator: Silvana MuscellaEvent Chair, UK

  • Alessandro BassiIoT Italy & NGI ECP, Italy 
  • Christian de LarrinagaFirsthand, UK
  • Roberto MinervaTelecom Italia / EIT Digital, Italy
  • Marta ArnianiNGI Awards, France (ppt)
  • Riaan de Nysschen & Wim Vandebroeck – GIG Europe
  • Ralf Neudel – IRT 
  • Chiara Carrozza – European University Institute 
15:00-16:00  Panel Discussion on NGI Business, Career & Funding Opportunities for start-ups & non Moderator: Andrea SignorelliLa Stampa, Italy

  • Michele ForadoriUnicredit Start Lab, Italy
  • Andrea Claudi –  ADB, Italy
  • Filippo TramelliPrimopiano Scrl, Italy (ppt)
  • Silvana MuscellaNGI Open Consultation Platform, UK

Open floor discussion

16:00-16:30 Conclusions & wrap-up

Live-streaming on www.consultation.ngi.eu.

Venue: Target Lab Location 

Viale Sarca 336 Building 16 – 20126 – Milan



March 27, 2018
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