
Country: Ireland
Organisation: Aid Technology Ltd

Twitter: @aidtechnology

AID:Tech is an Irish company using blockchain technology to tackle issues faced by end-users and institutions when dealing with access to social and financial services and entitlement delivery. Our clients include governments, development organisations, financial institutions, NGOs and charities. Leveraging blockchain technology and digital identity, the AID:Tech platform integrates transparency and efficiency into processes. These verticals range from the distribution of social welfare, remittances and healthcare to aid and traceable donations. We believe that digital identity is a gateway to building financial inclusion and promoting equitable economic prosperity.

Every aspect of AID:Tech’s work is in line with what the contest seeks. AID:Tech has consistently demonstrated the impact of blockchain technology across numerous human-centred applications. In 2015, we were the first company in the world to deliver international aid using blockchain technology to Syrian Refugees in Lebanon. Today, we are in a leadership position as a trusted solutions provider with deployments in Europe, the US, Tanzania, Singapore, Philippines, Lebanon and Serbia. We believe the AID:Tech platform is a distinctive example of how blockchain technology can address very real and entrenched social problems with practical solutions.

Our journey to date has been one supported by numerous cross-sector partnerships. Working directly with development agencies, funding partners, as well as end-users, private and governmental stakeholders. The AID:Tech platform is showcasing how transparency and trust can play a transformative role in contributing to social and financial inclusion.

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