NGI Zero is a idea-driven coalition of not-for-profit organisations from across Europe. It was set up to provide the Next Generation Internet initiative with an agile, effective and low-threshold funding mechanism. With funding from the European Commission, NGI0 provides grants to individual researchers and developers as well as small teams to work on important new ideas and technologies that contribute to the establishment of the Next Generation Internet.
Within the Next Generation Internet initiative, NGI Zero coordinates several NGI Research and Innovation Actions. Notably, NGI Zero Discovery and NGI Zero PET.
In order to be effective at internet scale, the results of these efforts are made available as free/libre/open source software. A significant amount of effort is spent to live up to high standards in terms of security, privacy, accessibility, open source licensing, documentation, etc.

NGI Zero currently consists of:
- Accessibility Foundation – Center of expertise on accessibility of internet and other digital media for all people, including the elderly and people with disabilities
- Association for Progressive Communications – A global network and organisation that strives towards easy and affordable access to a free and open internet to improve the lives of people and create a more just world
- Center for the Cultivation of Technology – A charitable non-profit host organization for international Free Software projects
- Commons Caretakers – A not-for-profit service provider for the development of Commons
- Network Security Group of Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich – Academic research institute focused on building secure and robust network systems
- Free Software Foundation Europe – Association charity that aims to empower users to control technology.
- ifrOSS – Provides not-for-profit legal services and studies in the context of free and open source software
- NixOS Foundation – Foundation supporting development and use of purely functional configuration management tools, in particular NixOS and related projects
- NLnet Foundation (NL) – Grantmaking public benefit organisation founded by pioneers of the early European internet
- Petites Singularités – Non profit organisation working with free sofware and focusing on collective practices
- Radically Open Security – Not-for-profit open source security company
- TIMIT – Experts in secure software
- Translate House – Develops and implements open source localization solutions