NGI Move

We are yet again at a critical stage for Europe. With the threat of geopolitical instability coming from several dimensions Europe needs to not just assert its presence on the world stage, but moreover needs to assert its digital sovereignty to further its vision of a single digital market. The need for a European leadership role for the Next Generation Internet is clear.

NGI MOVE is to inspire Europe to become a leader in the co-creation of the Next Generation Internet in a more human centric, societal and economic beneficial ecosystem of researchers, high tech start-ups, industrial and government leaders as well as grassroots communities and individuals.

The vision is to create a NGI that is at the service of people and stimulates business opportunities, centred on European values and competing globally. Our message is pragmatic cybernetics, balancing extreme centralization and extreme decentralization where data stays with citizens.

The main goals of the project are:

  • Connecting the Next Generation Internet Ecosystem, by identifying and engaging with the most brilliant researchers, entrepreneurs and individuals.
  • Co-creating the Next Generation Internet Ecosystem, which is all about creating content that fuels the community and motivates people to engage. Three sub-activities are to co-create: (1) the organizational model around the NGI flagship initiative. (2) the concepts and models that make up the characteristics for the NGI flagship initiative. (3) a number of NGI scenarios that can drive a vision and common basis for discussion amongst the many diverse stakeholders.
  • Launching the NGI Ecosystem in a joint mission with the other Coordination and Support Action. This is the general outcome of the project that provides the basis for ICT-31 and the NGI flagship initiative beyond H2020.

A series of Salons, combined with co-creation workshops, will provide stakeholders with unique occasions for understanding, creating and networking around NGI topics. The launch of annual NGI Awards is set to value European excellence and identify the most innovative individuals and companies who will inspire the NGI ecosystem.

In essence NGI Move delivers a brand, a model organization, actionable scenarios and prototypes and set of tools to support the ecosystem as well as the people that are active participants in shaping the NGI.

The NGI MOVE consortium consists of four complementary organisations: Aarhus Universitet (Denmark), Resonance Design (Netherlands), Unternehmensberatung für Dissemination (Austria) and Fundacio Barcelona Mobile World Capital Foundation (Spain).

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