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LEDGER: The Venture Builder for Human Centric Solutions

LEDGER, a EU funded project, empowers people to solve problems using decentralised technologies such as blockchain, peer to peer or distributed ledger technologies.

With €5.6 million, LEDGER, a venture builder, provides mentorship, guidance and direct grants to projects willing to build human centric solutions where citizens retain control over their data.


LEDGER goal is to make of data a common good owned by citizens where the wealth created by data-driven platforms is equally distributed. To achieve this moon-shot LEDGER promotes and support the creation of minimum viable products (MVPs) where privacy by design, openness and data governance are at the core of their proposition.

LEDGER offers to the selected projects: 

  • Up to €200.000 equity free
  • A venture builder programme for up to 12 months with business mentors, camps, technological vouchers, training and demo days.
  • An expert researcher in residence to support the selected teams along the full programme
  • Access to market and support to raise further investment for the best projects in class

LEDGER focus in 5 sectors plus one open vertical for disruptive projects in other areas: Health, Finance, Collaborative Economy, Public Services, Energy and Disruptive projects

The project partners of the consortium are: FundingBox (Poland, Spain and Denmark), Dyne (Holland) and Blumorpho (France and Germany).

LEDGER coordinator: Andrés Sánchez Sandaza <>

Discover the LEDGER open call