Let’s meet at FOSDEM 2024

The NGI is looking forward to going to FOSDEM 2024 on February 3-4 2024 in Brussels, Belgium, and hopes to see you there! 

FOSDEM is the world’s largest gathering of free and open source software enthusiasts and open to everyone and free of charge. It is a two-day event organised by volunteers to promote the widespread use of free and open source software. This edition features 945 speakers, 877 events, and 67 tracks. 

You can find the NGI and many NGI funded innovators in various sessions at FOSDEM 2024! 

A couple of major highlights:

  • NGI Zero network meetup, where (prospect) NGI Zero projects can meet & greet, and have a discussion about the Next Generation Internet on Saturday 3rd of February at 10:30h CET.
  • FOSS policy engagement: The impact of the NGI Open Source projects on EU policy and values, with Jean-Luc Dorel from DG CONNECT and Clementine Valayer, Director with Gartner Consulting on Sunday, 4th of February at 11:35h CET. After 5 years, the NGI programme has funded more than 1000 open source projects and takes stock of the outcomes. Gartner and DG CONNECT will present insights from their study on the impact of the NGI in key areas such as EU policies and digital rights and values, standardisation, sustainability.

Have a look at other NGI and affiliated events throughout the weekend here and also join the Developer rooms (devroom) on Open Source:  Open Hardware, Open Media, Open Research,  Open Source Design, Open Source Firmware.

We look forward to meeting you and having fruitful conversations about OpenSource with you!

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