The NFT market is booming and is lacking both specialised data vendors and data models to analyse it. NFTWATCH is the first open-source project aiming to help the collect and aggregation of all NFT related information using semantic technologies.





Additional Info

We will provide open-source tools to collect, enrich, store, and analyse NFT data coming from multiple offchain and onchain sources.

Data will be organised and stored based on a RDF graph. The information can easily be queried based on the open source and publish RDF graph.

Reusing the same ontology will enable the ecosystem to create their own data scrappers to feed the same database. Also, the data stored in NFT watch can easily be queried based on the open source and publish RDF graph.

Enduser Relevance

The demand for reliable NFT data is huge. But here is today no quality provider. And building it own platform is very difficult. NFTWATCH will make it easier!



Not available yet


Not available yet

Country:  France

Status: Early research demo

Category: Data and machine learning

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