Verifier Universal Interface

Verifier Universal Interface (VUI) is an interoperability working group that aims at building a complete set of standard APIs to make wallets and verifier components interoperable in SSI ecosystems





Additional Info

As different technology providers build SSI solutions, it becomes critical to ensure interoperability between these solutions. Available standards for SSI still have important gaps, leading us to an ecosystem of full-stack providers whose approach to interoperability is building proprietary plug-ins for each one of the other available solutions. This approach to interoperability is not scalable.
VUI is focused on building interoperability between Wallets and Verifier components in an SSI ecosystem, and lead the definition of the minimum set of standard APIs necessary to implement or interoperate with a Verifier module. That is, a role-centric approach to standardization at API level.
12 organisations are contributing to this initiative, which has already drafted a 1st version of a generic spec that integrates existing standards and interop efforts and fills the gaps to provide a complete set of APIs.
VUI efforts are being donated to DIF for further work.

Enduser Relevance

The VUI working group proposes a practical and focused approach to enable scalable interoperability in the SSI community.


Gataca Espa�a S.L. at


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Country:  Spain

Status: Operational technology (practical and/or commercial viability)

Category: Decentralized solutions (including blockchain and distributed ledger technologies)

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